Tax Day (April 15th) may be over but another important deadline is still on the horizon!
If you own a business make sure to mark your calendars for May 1st, all Corporations, LLC’s, Nonprofits, Cooperatives, Religious Corporations, and Partnerships (LPs, LLPs, etc.) must file their Florida annual report. You may be subject to a $400 late fee for forgetting to file your report!
If you’re new to the business world or need a refresher, check out the most commonly asked questions about Florida’s annual report renewals:
What is an annual report?
- A report that must be filed each year to maintain your business’ active status with the Florida Department of State.
- Yearly renewal is required regardless of any changes or no changes made to your business.
What happens if I’m late to file my renewal?
- You will be subject to a $400 late fee
What happens if I don’t file the annual report?
- If you don’t file an annual report by the third Friday of September, your business entity will be administratively dissolved or revoked at the close of business on the fourth Friday of September. (Chapters 607, 617 and 620, F.S.)
- Your revoked entity may be reinstated, this will require filing a reinstatement application and paying all fees associated.
What do I do if I closed my business?
- If your business is closed there is no need to file for renewal of the annual report.
What are the annual report fees?
Service | Price |
Profit Corporation |
Non-Profit Corporation | $61.25 |
Limited Liability Company | $138.75 |
Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership | $500.00 |